20º Congresso Brasileiro de Bioinformática: X-Meeting 2024

20º Congresso Brasileiro de Bioinformática: X-Meeting 2024

presencial Hotel Deville Prime Salvador - Salvador - Bahia - Brazil | Brasil

The event has already ended


{{'Receba_os_melhores_eventos_da_sua_area' | translate}}

{{'Receber_eventos' | translate}}



What is X-meeting?

X-meeting 2024 is more than just a congress; it's a unique experience of learning, interaction, and integration with Brazil's bioinformatics and computational biology community. This year, the event will be held in the beautiful and historic city of Salvador, Bahia, between June 11 and 14. You can't miss this opportunity to learn about scientific advances, new technologies, and trends in the field, as well as network with researchers, students, and professionals from all over the country.

The event is organised by the Brazilian Association of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (AB3C), whose mission is to promote the scientific, technological, and educational development of the field in Brazil. Secure your place at this unmissable meeting!





{{'Label_CodigoPromocionalAplicadoComSucesso' | translate}}
{{'Label_Presencial' | translate}} {{'Label_Online' | translate}} {{'Label_PresencialEOnline' | translate}}


{{'Label_DoacaoAPartir' | translate}} {{item.valores[0].valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

{{'Titulo_Gratis' |translate}} {{viewModel.configuracaoInscricaoEvento.descricaoEntradaGratis}}
{{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}} {{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}  

{{entrada.valorComDesconto | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

{{'Titulo_Ate' | translate}} {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
{{'Titulo_Ate' | translate}} {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
{{'Label_APartirDe' | translate}} {{entrada.validoDe | date:viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}

{{'Titulo_NaoDisponivel' | translate}}


Every successful event is a collaborative effort. Here's the team of partners behind X-Meeting.

Ville X-meeting

