This is an online event
Welcome to this Seneca mini-conference on Planning and Modelling the Curriculum.
It is a free event happening on the 29th July, from 4pm to 6pm
Mary Myatt (@MaryMyatt)
Nimish Lad (@NLad84)
The conference will happen as a live broadcast on YouTube and you will get the chance to comment, interact and ask questions directly via the chat. Easy!
Here is the link:
Please sign up here on EventBrite so you receive the full information.
When Tweeting about the event, use #senecacpd
This is a free event organised by Seneca Learning (@senecalearn) and hosted by its Chief Scientist Flavia Belham (@flaviabelhamphd).
Learn more about how we provide free, quality educational resources to over 6 million students at
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