

{{'Aguardando geracao dos ebooks' | translate}}

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I Global Conference on Education and Sustainability 2023 (GCES2023)

This conference was the first partnership with universities. It was held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal.

Global Edu Leaders Forum is a unique platform that brings whole education fraternity including prominent Educationists, school leaders, students and parents together from around the world under one roof who have brought considerable systemic change. The main motto of this initiative is to connect head to heart.

Global Edu Leaders Forum is a unique platform that brings whole education fraternity including prominent Educationists, school leaders, students and parents together from around the world under one roof who have brought considerable systemic change. The main motto of this initiative is to connect head to heart. 

GEL is a network of edu-experts and unique global platform from various fields like; Education and sustainability are two critical issues.

Education and sustainability are two critical issues that are interlinked and play an essential role in defining the future of our planet. Education is the foundation of sustainable development, as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and tackle environmental and social challenges. It is therefore essential to provide access to quality education for all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographical location. In addition, education also fosters much-needed critical thinking, creativity and innovation.

In addition, education also promotes critical thinking, creativity and innovation, which are necessary skills for individuals to succeed in today's rapidly evolving world. With the increasing complexity of modern problems, critical thinking skills are essential for individuals to analyze and develop effective solutions. Education provides individuals with the tools to analyze information objectively and logically, identify flaws in arguments and develop their own ideas.

One of the most significant wishes of young people today is for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world. Climate change is already having an impact.

Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh

Founder and chairman of the


Dr. Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto

Global President of the


{{'Periodicidade da publicação' | translate}}
{{'Label_Idiomas' | translate}}
{{'Label_Portugues' | translate}}
{{'Editor' | translate}}
Even3 - R. Sen. José Henrique, 231 - Sala 509 - Ilha do Leite, Recife - PE

{{'Periodicidade da publicação' | translate}}
{{'Label_Idiomas' | translate}}
{{'Label_Portugues' | translate}}
{{'Editor' | translate}}
Even3 - R. Sen. José Henrique, 231 - Sala 509 - Ilha do Leite, Recife - PE


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