I Conferência Internacional Cell Ag Brazil e I Encontro NAPI Proteínas Alternativas       -        I International Cell Ag Brazil Conference & I NAPI Alternative Proteins Meeting

I Conferência Internacional Cell Ag Brazil e I Encontro NAPI Proteínas Alternativas - I International Cell Ag Brazil Conference & I NAPI Alternative Proteins Meeting

presencial Anfiteatro do Bloco Didático, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, UFPR - R. dos Funcionários, 1540 - Juvevê - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

The event has already ended


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On the Conference

The I International Cell Ag Brazil Conference & I NAPI Alternative Proteins Meeting aims to bring together key stakeholders involved in the emerging alternative proteins industry for necessary discussions to accelerate cellular agriculture in Brazil and Latin America.

The Brazilian Cellular Agriculture Association, established on November 17, 2023, and the NAPI Alternative Proteins, a research and innovation arrangement founded by the State of Paraná government, join forces in this conference, which will feature speakers representing Brazilian and international interests for knowledge and experience exchange to strengthen cellular agriculture.

On July 8, 2024, pre-conference workshops will take place, addressing on specific topics in a more applied manner. Stay tuned for our schedule!

We emphasize the opportunity for abstract submissions, providing participants the chance to present their latest research, exchange ideas, and connect with researchers with similar interests.

Get the most from this opportunity!

Members of Cell Ag Brazil receive a discount when registering for the
I International Cell Ag Brazil Conference & I NAPI Alternative Proteins Meeting.



Check out our pre-conference workshops!

Preliminary Workshop Schedule, subject to changes.

July 8, 2024

1 08:30 AMEffective Altruism and Cellular Agriculture Facilitators: Leo Arruda and Juana Maria Martinez, Effective Altruism Brazil.

Visit: https://80000hours.org/problem-profiles/ and https://8000hours.org/problem-profiles/factory-farming/

Target Audience: Undergraduate students and professionals interested in cellular agriculture.

Build with participants a text of up to two pages answering the question: How can we develop cellular agriculture research and industry and contribute to solving humanity's priority problems based on Effective Altruism concepts?
10:30 AMBreak
10:50 AMContinuation of Workshop
12:30 PMLunch
2 2:00 PMRespect the farms Workshop (RESPECTfarms) Facilitators: Ira Hilde van Eelen, Stichting Cellulaire Agricultuur Nederland / RESPECTfarms / KindEarth.Tech Marcelo Beltrão Molento, UFPR / Maria Marques, UFPR / Mariana Ueta, Wageningen University

Visit: https://www.respectfarms.com/

Target Audience: Farmers and Agricultural Cooperatives.

Build with participants a text of up to two pages answering the question: How can farmers engage in cellular agriculture?
4:00 PMBreak
4:20 PMContinuation of Workshop
6:00 PMClosing


Preliminary Programme, subject to change.

July 8, 2024, 06:30 PM

Opening session

July 9, 2024
07:30 AMReception
08:30 AMSession 1 

The role of agriculture in the global decarbonization agenda: moving to meat alternatives and bio-based carbon as industrial feedstock. Carsten Gerhardt, Partner/Principal | Circular Economy

Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
09:10 AMNAPI Alternative Proteins Carla Molento, Federal University of Parana - UFPR Cell Ag Brazil NAPI Alternative Proteins
09:40 AMBreak
10:10 AMEngineering in the Industrial Production of Cultivated Meat and Milk Carlos Ricardo Soccol, Federal University of Parana - UFPR NAPI Alternative Proteins
10:30 AMCultivated Meat at Embrapa Vivian Feddern, Embrapa - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
10:50 AMMapping Fermentation Technology and Strategic Plan for Advancing Technology in Brazil Germano Reis, UFPR; Isabela de Oliveira Pereira, GFI Brazil; Servio Tulio Prado Jr., FGV/EAESP
11:20 AMRoundtable - Session 1 Moderation: Renata Ernlund Freitas de Macedo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR
NAPI Alternative Proteins
12:00 PMOral Presentations
12:20 PMLunch
2:00 PMSession 2 Key-note Speech - History and Frontiers of Cellular Cultivation Mark Post, Mosa Meats - Special Guest, Online
2:30 PMMycoproteins: Why Brazil Could Be a Major Producer & Typcal Case Edvaldo Rosa, PUC PR & Eduardo B. Sydney, Typcal
3:00 PMPlant-Based Meats: Future Expectations

Renata do Nascimento

R&D Plant-Based | JBS - Incrível
3:20 PMBreak
3:50 PMCultivated Meat: Future Expectations Fernanda Vieira Berti, JBS Biotech Innovation Center, Cultured Protein Division
4:10 PMCultivated Fat: Future Expectations Sérgio Pinto, Cellva Ingredients, Biotechnological Company
4:30 PMRoundtable - Session 2 Moderation: Carlos Rodrigues, Cell Ag Portugal
5:10 PMOral Presentations
5:30 PMBook Presentation Cultivated Meat - Technologies, Commercialization and Challenges Springer-Nature Carlos Ricardo Soccol, Federal University of Parana - UFPR NAPI Alternative Proteins
5:50Golden sponsor - Sartorius
6:00 PMClosing

July 10, 2024

08:00 AMReception
08:30 AMSession 3 Alternative proteins and socioeconomic issues within the new food system - quo vadis? Sergio Schneider Faculty of Economic Sciences, Post-graduation Program in Rural Development Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
09:10 AMSocioeconomic Issues in Brazil Rodrigo Luiz Morais da Silva, UFPR
09:40 AMThe Pollination Project Foundation Isabelle Tancioni
09:50 AMBreak
10:20 AMStrategy and Viability: Quick-wins for the Consolidation of the Alternative Proteins Sector Servio Tulio Prado Jr., FGV/EAESP
10:35 AMFuture Scenarios Study for Cultivated Meat in Brazil and Germany Germano Glufke Reis, UFPR & Anna Loraine Hartmann, Bavarian Food Cluster (Competence Center for Nutrition), Germany, online
11:05 AMCultivated Meat and Consumer Market Marina Heidemann, Sfoodlab and Lifely; Stephanie Massaki, UFPR; Germano Glufke Reis, UFPR
11:20 AMRoundtable - Session 3 Moderation: John Wilkinson, UFRRJ
12:10 PMOral Presentations
12:30 PMLunch
2:00 PMSession 4 Innovating in ecosystem: minimizing investment and maximizing results Paulo Silveira CEO Food tech hub
2:20 PMA view from the food industry Nathália F Martins Trellese Technical Services & Develepment, Plant-based Meat Alternatives - LatAm ADM Nutrition
2:40 PMA view from investors Felipe Krelling, Managing Partner, Lifely
3:00 PMCellular Agriculture in Canada
Heather Bruce, Cellular Agriculture Institute, University of Alberta Yadira Tejeda Saldana, New Harvest/Cell Ag Canada
3:30 PMBreak
4:00 PMCellular Agriculture at Wageningen University João Marques Garcia & Mark Bisschops, Cultivated Meat and Seafood & Microbial Biotechnology and Precision Fermentation, BioProcess Engineering, Wageningen University
4:30 PMRoundtable - Session 4 Moderation: Mariana Hase Ueta, Cell Ag Brazil e Wageningen University
5:30 PMOral Presentations
5:50 PMClosing

July 11, 2024

08:00 AMReception
08:30 AMSession 5 Sustainability Hanna Tuomisto, University of Helsinki
09:00 AMAnimals as interested parties in cellular animal science Vicente de Paula Ataíde Junior, Professor, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Parana. Leader, Research Center on Animal Rights (ZOOPOLIS), Federal University of Parana, representing the Brazilian Coalition for Animal Protection
09:30 AMBreak
10:00 AMThe risk of conventional animal production to global health Marcelo Beltrão Molento, Federal University of Parana, UFPR Expert advisor, FAO
10:30 AMFood Security Gustavo Guadagnini, GFI
11:00 AMRoundtable - Session 5 Moderation: To be confirmed
12:00 PMOral Presentations
12:20 PMLunch
2:00 PMSession 6 Food Safety and Alternative Proteins Amanda Leitolis, GFI
2:30 PMHow to Introduce My Alternative Protein in the Brazilian Market? Regulatory Aspects Isis Valle Rodrigues da Costa, Regulatory Intelligence Consultant for Food
3:00 PMGlobal Alignment - Cell Ag Greece Panos Kostopoulos, Founder & CEO, Proxy Foods and Cell Ag Greece
3:20 PMBreak
3:50 PMGlobal Alignment - Cell Ag Netherlands Ira Hilde van Eelen, Stichting Cellulaire Agricultuur Nederland / RESPECTfarms / KindEarth.Tech
4:10 PMGlobal Alignment - Cell Ag Italy Nike Schiavo, Bruno Cell and Agricoltura Cellulare Italy
4:30 PMRoundtable - Session 6 Moderation: Panos Kostopoulos Executive Director NCA, the Network of Cellular Agriculture
5:20 PMOral Presentations
5:40 PMAward-Winning Brazilian Science Jorge Luís de Melo Guadalupe Luciana de Oliveira Andrade Department of Morphology - Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB) - UFMG
6:00 PMGastronomic Award 1st Alternative Protein Gastronomic Challenge of Curitiba Chef Gourmet School of Curitiba
6:10 PMClosing


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Frequently Asked Questions


Event Venue

Organizing Committee

Carla Forte Maiolino Molento - UFPR

Vice-President Paula Toshimi Matumoto Pintro - UEM

Publicity Committee
Jennifer Cristina Biscarra Bellio - UFPR (president)
Gabriel Mendes - UFPR
Isabela Valim - UFPR
Mariane Reinauer - UFPR
Vinicius Raab - UFPR 
Vivien Patricia Garbin - UFPR

Scientific Committee
Paula Toshimi Matumoto Pintro - UEM (president)
Renata Bachin Mazzini Guedes - UFPR (vice-president)
Juliana do Canto Olegário - UFPR (secretary)
Mariana Ueta - Cell Ag Brazil and University of Wagenigen
Rodrigo Morais da Silva - UFPR 

Fundraising Committee
Vivien Patricia Garbin - UFPR (President)
Gabriel Mendes - UFPR
Isabela Valim - UFPR
Guilherme Agostinis - PUC
Jislene Christina Dall'Stella - UFPR
Susan Grace Karp - UFPR
Vinicius Raab - UFPR

Site Elaboration and Administration Committee
Jislene Christina Dall'Stella - UFPR (president)
Vinicius Raab - UFPR

Cultural Committee
Laura Raquel Rios Ribeiro - UFPR (Presidente)
Gabriel Mendes - UFPR
Marcelo Beltrão Molento - UFPR






Gold Package



Silver Package

    Bronze Package



