Published in 12/12/2023 - ISBN: 978-65-272-0088-8

Paper Title
  • Cláudio de Oliveira Almeida Castro
  • Maria Leticia Vega
  • Angel Alberto Hidalgo
  • Alexandre De Castro Maciel
Subject area
Dispositivos eletrônicos e ópticos (OLED/OFET/OPVs/etc.)
Publishing Date
Country of Publishing
Language of Publishing
Paper Page
Memories, electroformation, polymers
Al/MEH-PPV/ITO organic memory device Castro, C.O.A 1*.;Vega, M.L 1 .Hidalgo,A.A1.; Maciel, A.C1. . 1.Grupo de Pesquisa de Materiais (GPMat), Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina-PI, Brasil. Email: In this work, we characterize the electrical properties of the Al/MEH-PPV/ITO device. Devices were prepared using an ITO bottom electrode (BE), a MEH-PPV film as the semiconductor layer, and 100 nm thick aluminum layers were evaporated as the top electrode (TE). Electrical measurements of current vs. voltage (I-V) and impedance were performed with the device in vacuum. In the I-V measurements, the electroforming process was carried out, and then the characterization as a memory was performed, where the voltages at which the device switches between the HRS (High Resistance State) and LRS (Low Resistance State) states were obtained. The device is classified as bipolar [1]. In parallel with the I-V measurements, impedance measurements were also performed to study the conduction mechanisms of the device in the pristine state and after the memory were formed. According to Jongmin (2016), during the evaporation of the upper electrode, a layer of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) grows between the electrode and the polymer, with a thickness on the order of 3~5 nm. Based on this result, we can indicate that the resistive switching mechanism is in agreement with the valence change memory (VCM) model [3]. The suggested switching mechanism consists on the formation and rupture of conducting filaments originated from moving ions and oxygen vacancies, which are responsible for defects in the active layer, which in turn are filled with charge carriers, forming the conductive filaments. The impedance measurements performed before electroforming show that the device exhibits effects that are not purely capacitive. After electroforming, LRS and HRS states have well-defined responses that were fitted by an equivalent circuit model, which is an association of a resistor in series with a resistor and a constant phase element (CPE). The future prospects of this work are to study the electrical responses of the device under temperature variation and to encapsulate the devices using polyisobutene (PIB24)." Keywords: Memories, electroformation, polymers References. [1] ] Yeol Yun, Dong, et al. “Multilevel Charging and Discharging Mechanisms of Nonvolatile Memory Devices Based on Nanocomposites Consisting of Monolayered Au Nanoparticles Embedded in a Polystyrene Layer”. Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, no 2, janeiro de 2014, p. 023304. (Crossref), [2] Kim, Jongmin, et al. “Effect of Electronegativity on Bipolar Resistive Switching in a WO 3 -Based Asymmetric Capacitor Structure”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 8, no 14, abril de 2016, p. 9499–505. (Crossref), [3] Kindsmüller, Andreas, et al. “On the Role of the Metal Oxide/Reactive Electrode Interface during the Forming Procedure of Valence Change ReRAM Devices”. Nanoscale, vol. 11, no 39, 2019, p. 18201–08. (Crossref),
Title of the Event
Workshop do INEO 2023
City of the Event
Nazaré Paulista
Title of the Proceedings of the event
Anais do Workshop INEO 2023
Name of the Publisher
Means of Dissemination
Meio Digital

How to cite

CASTRO, Cláudio de Oliveira Almeida et al.. AL/MEH-PPV/ITO ORGANIC MEMORY DEVICE.. In: Anais do workshop INEO 2023. Anais...Nazaré Paulista(SP) Hotel Estância Atibainha, 2023. Available in: https// Access in: 21/01/2025


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