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I Symposium of the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at UFF: Political Science and Crisis
The Organizing Committee of the 1st I Symposium of the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at UFF: Political Science and Crisis invites, through this call for papers open to the entire academic community, internal and external, graduate and postgraduate students for submissions. The event will be held between November 8th and 12th, 2021, in remote mode.
The objective of the I PPGCP-UFF Student Symposium is to foster academic debate and disseminate the scientific production of graduate, postgraduate and egress students from the fields of Political Science, International Relations, and other Social Sciences and related fields. Therefore, we invite researchers in the area to reflect on the theme “Political Science and Crisis”.
In addition to the work groups, which aim to favor the circulation of ideas, the strengthening of research spaces and the expansion of dialogue between students, lectures will be held with academics and guests on the theme of crises in different areas of knowledge.
The working groups will comprise the four lines of research of the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, divided into two areas of concentration (see Annex I):
Area of Concentration I: Political Theory and Brazilian Political Thought
WG No. 1: Political Theory
WG No. 2: Interpretations of Brazil
Area of Concentration II: State, Society and International Politics
WG No. 3: State, Economy and Public Policies
WG No. 4: International Relations
The Symposium will accept papers for the Working Groups (WGs) in the modalities abstract and expanded abstract or research project. After receiving the entries, the works can be reallocated based on the common thematic interests, according to the understanding of the scientific committee of the 1st PPGCP-UFF Student Symposium. The activities of the GTs will be mediated by invited researchers(s) and doctoral students.
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I Symposium of the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at UFF
The Organizing Committee of the 1st I Symposium of the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at UFF: Political Science and Crisis invites, through this call for papers open to the entire academic community, internal and external, graduate and postgraduate students for submissions. The event will be held between November 8th and 12th, 2021, in remote mode.
The objective of the I PPGCP-UFF Student Symposium is to foster academic debate and disseminate the scientific production of graduate, postgraduate and egress students from the fields of Political Science, International Relations, and other Social Sciences and related fields. Therefore, we invite researchers in the area to reflect on the theme “Political Science and Crisis”.
In addition to the work groups, which aim to favor the circulation of ideas, the strengthening of research spaces and the expansion of dialogue between students, lectures will be held with academics and guests on the theme of crises in different areas of knowledge.
The working groups will comprise the four lines of research of the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, divided into two areas of concentration (see Annex I):
Area of Concentration I: Political Theory and Brazilian Political Thought
WG No. 1: Political Theory
WG No. 2: Interpretations of Brazil
Area of Concentration II: State, Society and International Politics
WG No. 3: State, Economy and Public Policies
WG No. 4: International Relations
The Symposium will accept papers for the Working Groups (WGs) in the modalities abstract and expanded abstract or research project. After receiving the entries, the works can be reallocated based on the common thematic interests, according to the understanding of the scientific committee of the 1st PPGCP-UFF Student Symposium. The activities of the GTs will be mediated by invited researchers(s) and doctoral students.
1.1. Abstract submissions or registration for participation as a listener must be made by filling out the form available on the event website:
1.2. The registration for the presentation of works must be made until October 1st, 2021 or will be limited to the first 150 (one hundred and fifty) works registered, whichever occurs first.
1.2.1. Once entries are closed before the deadline set out in item 1.2, that is, 150 works have been submitted, the Organizing Committee will inform interested parties on the event's website.
1.2.2. Each registrant may submit only 1 (one) work.
1.2.3. Co-authored works will be accepted, however, the work must be submitted by only 1 (one) of the authors, who will be the presenter.
1.2.4. If the presenter is unable to attend, the co-author, who must be identified at the time of registration, may present the work.
1.2.5. The co-author of the work presented will receive a certificate for the submission.
1.2.6. Certificates will not be issued for works not presented.
1.3. Registration for participation as listener will close on November 7, 2021.
1.4. Participation in the event will be free and open to the entire academic community.
2.1. First step: abstracts
2.1.1. The Symposium will feature presentations in Working Groups (WGs) in the modalities abstract and expanded abstract or research project. The applicant must indicate the line to which they submit their work among those presented above (full description of the lines of research in Annex I).
2.1.2. Papers from graduate and postgraduate students will be accepted in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
2.1.3. The paper submissions to the Symposium must be made using the form available on the event website:, between September 9th and October 1st, 2021.
2.1.4. To be considered by the event's Scientific Committee, the works must follow the instructions below:
Between 200 (two hundred) and 300 (three hundred) words, proposals that contain the theme presentation; justification; objectives; problem and hypothesis; research methodology and brief bibliographical references.
Proposals must have at maximum one author and one co-author.
2.1.5. The Organizing Committee will inform the abstracts proponents of the selection results on October 5th, 2021, on the event page.
2.1.6. There will be no recourse for unselected works.
2.2. Second stage: expanded abstracts or research projects
2.2.1. After the analysis of the paper’s abstracts by the Scientific Committee, it will open for the second stage: submission of expanded abstracts or research projects. Expanded abstracts must be submitted between October 5th and October 22, 2021 through the specific field of the submission form to be made available on the event page:
2.2.2. Expanded abstracts and research projects must follow the instructions below:
2.2.2. Expanded abstracts and research projects must follow the instructions below:
Between 1,200 (one thousand two hundred) and 2,000 (two thousand) words.
The title must be written in capital letters, bold and centered.
The author's full name must appear after the title. Below the name, the institution to which the author is affiliated, any research funding agency or the last institution affiliated and contact email.
Justified text with 1.5 cm spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12, top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm. Quotations over three lines must have a spacing of 1 cm, font Times New Roman, size 10 and indentation of 4 cm.
3.1. The programme will be published later in the website, arranging the works through the Working Groups times.
3.2. Further information regarding the platform to be used will be disclosed and duly communicated to the emails registered in the registration of the authors/co-authors of the selected works (we ask that you also check your spam boxes).
3.3. Each work will have 10 (ten) minutes for oral presentation. In cases of co-authorship, only the registrant/presenter will make the presentation, in which case only the presenter will receive the certificate for oral communication. Presentations made by third parties will not be authorized.
3.4. After the oral presentation of the works, the members of the board will make their considerations and questions, if they deem it necessary, for 30 (thirty) minutes.
3.5. The presenters will have 5 (five) minutes to respond to the comments and questions of the panel members.
3.6. Each WG will have a maximum duration of three hours and will be moderated by the member of the board linked to the organization of the event.
3.7. Authors who are unable to attend the presentation must communicate such information to the Organizing Committee as soon as possible.
Omitted cases will be addressed by the Organizing Committee through the e-mail:
Organizing Committee of the I Student Symposium of the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at the Fluminense Federal University
Line of Research: Political Theory
This line of research encompasses investigations into classical, modern and contemporary political thought. It starts from the premise that there is, however, in the so-called “political classics” more than political thought. The very condition of talking about the “political” requires inscription in a larger field of meanings, marked by the precedence of questions posed by the tradition of philosophy. The line of research, when considering the constitution of the field of political theory, will necessarily consider a broader set of markers, present in classical, modern and contemporary reflection. Such basic markers concern ontological, epistemological, and argumentative issues. To them must be added other fundamental dimensions, such as ethics, anthropology (definitions of the human condition and the constitution of subjects), aesthetics and questions of practical rationality. Two major references will guide the activities linked to the research line: (i) the recognition of a complex game of dissent and convergence that ends up constituting different traditions in the field of political theory and (ii) the centrality of the theme of relations between political theory and historical, political and institutional experience. In this last key, it is important to consider the association between theoretical invention and normative and institutional innovation.
Line of Research: Interpretations of Brazil
This line houses researches concerning interpretations of Brazil formulated in the field of Brazilian political thought. To this end, it will be considered as in permanent dialogue with political theory, anthropology, sociology, law, history and literary and art criticism. To this cut, emphasis will be added on the dimension of institutional innovation. We start from the premise that institutional invention in Brazil was strongly marked by innovations in the field of political reflection. As a result, the line of research will house both theoretical and historical investigations. This last aspect concerns the decanting of guidelines in the field of Brazilian political thought in specific institutional contexts. The field of Constitutional Law, in this sense, is an important reference. It is important, therefore, to consider the field of Brazilian political thought as a domain that requires both theoretical-conceptual investigation and attention to the relations it maintains with the world of political and institutional experience.
Line of Research: State, Economy and Public Policy
This line of research investigates themes in a doubly wide universe. Broad because it is located in a vast thematic field of investigation of the facts and processes of politics: relations between State, economy and public policies. It is also broad because it approaches politics from an interdisciplinary perspective, involving Political Science, Sociology, Political Economy and other frontier knowledge. As for the theoretical field, the line of research mobilizes, above all, empirically oriented explanatory theories, such as those that see the state in a sociocentric or statecentric way, in addition to various approaches in political economy and public policies.
The main objective is to investigate both the influence of politics (in the political-institutional, sociopolitical and ideas dimensions) on the economy, as well as the influence of the economy, nationally and internationally, and of economic and social agents in the political process and in the State, seen in three dimensions: as a political regime, as a decision maker and as a power structure dependent on capitalism and the support of actors. But there is also an opening for the investigation of other areas of public policy decision (in addition to the economy) and the pertinent connections between social and political-institutional actors.
Line of Research: International Politics/International Relations
This line of research investigates the conflict and cooperation between States and the connections between intra and inter-state agents and institutions. It starts from the premise that politics has a specific and autonomous space in the analysis of international phenomena. The investigations focus on the international performance of institutional actors, taken in isolation or on their interrelationship with civil society. The research line has two thematic areas: (i) international security, including research on old and new wars, international terrorism and international migration flows; (ii) international political economy, including discussions on the insertion of Brazil and other BRICS countries in the world order, on globalization and on national development strategies.
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