"Is it possible for management to be an educational practice?"

"Is it possible for management to be an educational practice?"

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{{'Receba_os_melhores_eventos_da_sua_area' | translate}}

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Thank you for registering for Responsible Managing as Educational Practice. The webinar will feature Marcelo de Souza Bispo, who will present his views on responsible managing, to be followed by reactions from four prominent scholars and practitioners from the fields of social policy and leadership.  Marcelo’s thesis is that managing may only be a responsible practice if it also comprises an educational experience, not as a scholastic practice inside schools but as a way to emancipate the self and others and improve society. Participants will be encouraged to extend the conversation through breakout groups, after which some summary comments and questions will be assembled.


{{'Label_CodigoPromocionalAplicadoComSucesso' | translate}}
{{'Label_Presencial' | translate}} {{'Label_Online' | translate}} {{'Label_PresencialEOnline' | translate}}


{{'Label_DoacaoAPartir' | translate}} {{item.valores[0].valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

{{'Titulo_Gratis' |translate}} {{viewModel.configuracaoInscricaoEvento.descricaoEntradaGratis}}
{{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}} {{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}  

{{entrada.valorComDesconto | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

{{'Titulo_Ate' | translate}} {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
{{'Titulo_Ate' | translate}} {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
{{'Label_APartirDe' | translate}} {{entrada.validoDe | date:viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}

{{'Titulo_NaoDisponivel' | translate}}





