4º Fortaleza's Austral Spring School | 2º Floripa Spring Eco-School in Sustainability

4º Fortaleza's Austral Spring School | 2º Floripa Spring Eco-School in Sustainability

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Marine Forests - Sustainability drivers and threats

September- 13-15th

To fully embrace the UN Decade of the ocean and UN Ecosystem Restoration Decade (2021-2030), researchers and professors from different countries, coastal regions, seas, lands and oceans will discuss the future of the Marine Forests of the world, among a broad set of ecosystems of our planet, as well as the interactions between different seascapes, uses, and costumes. It's time to consider the ocean and its biodiversity and functioning as part of our lives, our present, and our future. The Federal Universities of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and Ceará (UFC) (Brazil), with University of Salento (Italy) and in cooperation with Universidade do Algarve (Portugal) (Capes PrInt partners) offer a set of seminars in which different researchers and professors will discuss biodiversity patterns, eco-evolutionary drivers, impacts, and future trends providing support to the application of SDG14 and the sustainable management of different Marine Forests goods and services. After the talks, a panel discussion will allow an active exchange of ideas, opinions, and perspectives, bringing students and researchers to the centre of the discussion, developing potential solutions for the problems considered during the presentations.


It's time to act, it's time for true sustainability!

Bem-Vindos! Welcome ! Benvenuto!

*The official language will be English.


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{{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}} {{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}  

{{entrada.valorComDesconto | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

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{{'Label_APartirDe' | translate}} {{entrada.validoDe | date:viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}

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Invited Speakers



